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Once the heart of the powerful ancient 罗马 empire, 意大利 possesses thousands of years of influential history. Visit one of the Seven Wonders of the World: the Colosseum, the largest and one of the oldest amphitheaters, 古罗马人常去的地方 gladiator fights and theatrical performances, among other spectacles. Snap the perfect 意大利 picture at the Leaning Tower of Pisa, 这座建于14世纪的钟楼地基太软,一侧已经塌陷. 走进梵蒂冈的圣. 彼得大教堂, where Michelangelo’s La Pieta statue lives and where Saint Peter, 耶稣的门徒之一, 据说被埋葬了. 探索庞贝古城的废墟,整个社会在火山灰的覆盖下被冻结 维苏威火山喷发的浮石. Take a trip back in time to ancient 罗马 at the Pantheon, 这里是罗马帝国保存最完好的遗址之一,最初是一座寺庙,后来变成了天主教堂. Walk the streets of Vatican City, the capital of the global Christian faith for two thousand years. See the famous Florentine Duomo, the city’s crowning architectural jewel. 搭乘从意大利大陆到西西里岛的短途航班,在巴勒莫的费德里科伯爵宫(Palazzo Conte Federico)漫步, 满座宫殿 奢华的马赛克地板, 巴洛克天花板壁画, 盔甲套装, 以及主人家族在宫殿几个世纪以来收集的古董. 为了不被其他热门的欧洲目的地所超越,意大利拥有一些最受欢迎的景点 精致的自然风光在大陆上,有大量的活动,户外爱好者享受. 乘坐热气球鸟瞰托斯卡纳令人惊叹的连绵起伏的青山乡村. 滑雪或单板滑雪 意大利阿尔卑斯山, 斜坡在哪里?, 的观点, and powder rival that of their French and Swiss counterparts. Soak in the warm, sulfurous waters of Terme di Saturnia’s thermal springs. Take a boat ride to the Maddalena Archipelago in Sardinia for a day of sunbathing on crystal clear, turquoise water. Go flower picking on a balmy spring day in the fields surrounding Castellucio, 翁布里亚山城. 沿着令人惊叹的阿马尔菲海岸工作,看到一些最丰富多彩的和迷人的方式 small towns in 意大利, overlooking pristine ocean 的观点. For an equally seductive taste of the country’s natural beauty, roam the Italian Riviera in the northwestern corner of the country. Hike the active volcano Mount Etna or spend a whole weekend exploring the Cinque Terre National Park. Stroll through one of 意大利’s many picturesque vineyards, where the grapes hang in rich purple hues on the vines. 在伦巴第的科莫湖畔野餐,在那里你可以欣赏格里尼亚山脉 and red-roofed villas of the surrounding landscape.  




The birthplace of the Italian Renaissance, 15世纪初,佛罗伦萨因倡导艺术和培养像伽利略这样有远见的人的思想而声名鹊起, 但丁, 和米开朗基罗.
77°F (25°C)
44°F (6.5°C)
  • 细 & 艺术工作室
  • 外语 & 文学
  • 宝博体育
  • 社会科学


Thousands of years of history are on display in 罗马. 古代世界, 意大利文艺复兴和现代世界在意大利的首都汇聚在一起. 罗马 truly is La Citta Eterna, the “Eternal City.”
75°F (24°C)
46°F (8°C)
  • 业务
  • 沟通
  • 宝博体育
  • 社会科学

世界上许多最珍贵、工艺精湛的艺术品都产自意大利,并保存在那里, 等着你亲自去看. 从米开朗基罗的《宝博体育》雕塑到波提切利的《宝博体育》再到达·芬奇的《宝博体育》 圣玛丽亚大教堂的壁画《宝博体育》,伟大的艺术在每个角落都存在. 你在大街上和新老建筑的墙上发现艺术的可能性和在博物馆里发现艺术的可能性是一样的. Wherever your Italian adventure takes you, carve out some time to view Raphael’s famous School of Athens fresco, 卡拉瓦乔黑暗忧郁的画作, and Bernini’s elegant marble sculptures housed in the Galleria Borghese.  Look up and marvel at Michelangelo’s murals 在西斯廷教堂的天花板上. Make a wish at the popular Trevi Fountain in 罗马. Visit the National Archaeological Museum in Naples to view both ancient Greek, 罗马, and Renaissance art and artifacts recovered from Pompeii, 赫库兰尼姆, 和其他 ancient cities destroyed during the Mount Vesuvius eruption of 79 AD. 感谢丰富的新鲜, local ingredients and the cultural importance of food, Italian cuisine is some of the best in Europe, from the Calabria region at the tip of the peninsula to Lombardy and Piedmont on the northern border. Start your day with a cup of delicious espresso, 意大利’s internationally loved contribution to the coffee world. If you’re in 意大利 during the spring or summer months, a panzanella salad is 一个完美的午餐选择,成熟的,五颜六色的蔬菜和脆脆的大块不新鲜的面包. 如果你想吃披萨, you can easily find it by the slice in any of the major cities, whether you like the thin-crust Neapolitan style or the thicker 西西里风格. No Italian adventure is complete without a taste of the local wine. 吃晚饭, indulge in handmade pasta cooked in a variety of dishes, 就像春天的蔬菜配香蒜沙司, spaghetti alla puttanesca with olives and capers, 第一大, ragu, lasagna al forno, spaghetti alle vongole, and Bolognese. But don’t stop your journey through Italian food there! 比如佛罗伦萨牛排, 炖牛尾, and risotto are just some of your pasta-exclusive options. 这是一些小事情 当地生产的橄榄油, 新鲜出炉的面包, 以及菜肴中随处可见的许多本土奶酪——最终使在意大利用餐成为一种真正的乐趣, 每顿饭. And the Italians know how to finish the gastronomic day on a high note: dessert 选择包括美味的冰淇淋, 奶油意式奶冻, 丰富的提拉米苏, 甜煎饼卷, 仅举几个例子.   





CEA CAPA佛罗伦萨中心

佛罗伦萨的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, 同时培养雇主希望你在进入就业市场时获得的顶级技能. 在节目中, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. 我们多样化的课程将为您提供一个在学术上出类拔萃的平台, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习. Program options are dependent upon location, 但可能包括:学期, 夏天, 兼职及全职宝博体育, and English and host language speaking placements. 


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业务 & 心理学

业务 & 心理学


钻研政治, 经济, and business implications of globalization, 以及对社会的影响,因为你发展有价值的技能,适用于广泛的职业机会. 考察企业与社会之间的复杂关系,并学习如何将心理学原理应用于工作场所以克服组织挑战. 您将获得当地商业战略的第一手经验,以及如何在探索当地环境时影响行为, 与专业人士会面, and take academic field trips that provide real-world perspectives. 建立你需要的国际文化流畅性,以有效地驾驭日益全球化的世界.


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There are so many cool ways to experience 意大利. Bike through 罗马 or cruise the canals of Venice in a gondola. 如果你是高级时装的粉丝, seize your chance to tour the headquarters of 意大利’s biggest labels, 包括古奇, 阿玛尼, 普拉达,范思哲,华伦天奴,杜嘉班纳 & Gabbana和Fendi. Celebrate the Battle of Oranges festival in Ivrea with a three day food fight. Visit Verona, famed city of Shakespeare’s 罗马o & Juliet, for the city’s annual opera festival. 看 意大利国家足球队在一群热情的球迷面前与他们的对手之一比赛. 当你在意大利留学的时候, 你将有机会体验地球上最古老、最丰富的文化之一, 提高意大利语水平 skills, and enjoy some of the best art, food, and nature in Europe. 在意大利许多著名的大学上课,并考虑通过国外宝博体育获得宝贵的职业前经验. 无论你选择在这里学习什么, you’ll return from your program knowing how pleasurable life can be.  



  • 免费的博物馆 如果你打算去参观乌菲齐美术馆,周末在佛罗伦萨转转是值得的, 大卫在学院, the national sculpture museum at the Bargello, 皮蒂宫的各种博物馆和波波里花园……每个月的第一个星期天, 这些国立博物馆免费入场.
  • 欣赏风景 Visit one of the most charming and iconic sites in 弗洛伦斯, Ponte Vecchio. 横跨阿诺河, today Ponte Vecchio is known for its jewelry shops, 艺术的卖家, 还有古董精品店. Take a stroll across the bridge and enjoy the romantic view!
  • 爬上叶柄 The best 的观点 of 罗马 can be seen from the tops of 罗马’s many hills, but the ultimate view has to be from atop the Janiculum. From the top of this hill, you’ll have a complete panoramic view of 罗马. 如果你在中午之前参观,你可以看到每天的炮声.
  • 散步 罗马以其温和的气候和光线而闻名,是一个徒步探索的好城市. 在罗马最好的事情之一就是从一个街区漫步到另一个街区. Even the most experienced traveler will discover something new!